Gusukuma Shinpan (1890-1954), was a student of Itosu Anko and Higaonna Kanryo. He often spoke of the eight considerations for kicks and the four considerations for punches. They are as follows.
Considerations for kicking:
- When kicking in kata or kumite, the back must be kept straight so as to allow you to punch if the kick is blocked.
- The quickest kicks are of the snapping kind.
- The kicks of kata are performed with the toe-tipped foot. (An old-style kick, where the kick is performed with the tip of the big toe.)
- The most important kick is that done to the middle area. (Trunk of the body).
- Consider the knee the “hinge” of the kick.
- The ankle must be as strong in kicking as the wrist is strong in punching.
- The leg must be loose and flexible while the toes are tight. Just like a punch, the arm is loose while the fist is tight.
- When kicking, always kick with both legs. (Power of the kick comes from the supporting leg.)
Considerations for punching:
- The large knuckle finger and the thumb squeeze the index finger in a good fist.
- In making a strong fist, the index finger is folded first.
- Punching is done with a loose arm and tight fist.
- You strike with the index knuckle first.
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