The following is an excerpt from "Outline of Karate" written by Chojun Miyagi.
Karate Shidoho (Karate Instruction Method)
1. Yobi Undo (Preparatory Exercise)
At the beginning of the training session perform yobi undo to exercise joints and muscles in order to enhance flexibility, strength and endurance. At the end of the training session, perform seiri undo (cool-down exercise) to relax te muscles. This is to follow with breathing exercise and seiza (quite sitting).
2. Kihon Kata (Fundation Kata)
Sanchin, Tensho and Naihanchi are the kihon kata. The objective of kihon kata training is to develop a strong body, proper posture, develop fighting spirit and coordinate breathing with the use of power.
3. Hojo Undo (Supplementary Exercise)
The objective of hojo undo is to learn the basic principles and technical components of the karate techniques. The drills are movements from the kaishu kata. Some of these drills are performed with equipment to develop overall body or specific muscle strength necessary for delivery of karate techniques.
4. Kaishu Kata (Utilization Kata)
There are 20 to 30 different kaishu kata. Many named after their originators. Kaishu kata consist of movements where offensive and defensive techniques are arranged logically. The usage of these techniques can be understood by applying appropriate body tension and power in accordance with the movements when training in kaishu kata. Additionally, training in kaishu kata develops fighting spirit and physical stamina.
5. Kumite Renshu (Fighting Drill)
After having mastered several kaishu kata,they should be dissected to reveal the fighting techniques. Apply these techniques in kumite renshu with vigour and spirit as if in an actual fighting situation.
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