Sunday, March 7, 2010

Budo Charter

Budo, rooted in the martial spirit of ancient Japan, is an aspect of traditional culture that has evolved from jutsu to do through centuries of historical and social change.

Following the concept of unity of mind and technique, budo has developed and refined a discipline of austere training, which promotes etiquette, skilful technique, physical strength, and the unity of mind and body. Modern Japanese have inherited these values and they play a prominent role in forming Japanese personalities. In modern Japan the budo spirit is a source of powerful energy and promotes a pleasant disposition in the individual.

Today, budo has been diffused throughout the world and has attracted strong interest internationally. However, infatuation with mere technical training, and undue concern with winning is a severe threat to the essence of budo. To prevent this perversion of the art, we must continually examine ourselves and endeavour to perfect and preserve this national heritage.

It is with this hope that we establish the Budo Charter in order to uphold the fundamental principles of traditional budo.

Japanese Budo Association April 23rd, 1987.

ARTICLE 1 (OBJECT) The object of budo is to cultivate character, enrich the ability to make value judgements, and foster a well-disciplined and capable individual through participation in physical and mental training utilizing martial techniques.

ARTICLE 2 (KEIKO) When practicing daily, one must constantly follow decorum, adhere to the fundamentals, and resist the temptation to pursue mere technical skill rather than unity of mind and technique.

ARTICLE 3 (SHIAI) In a match and the performance of kata, one must manifest budo spirit, exert oneself to the utmost, win with modesty, accept defeat gracefully, and constantly exhibit temperate attitudes.

ARTICLE 4 (DOJO) The dojo is a sacred place for training one's mind and body. Here, one must maintain discipline, proper etiquette, and formality. The training area must be a quiet, clean, safe and solemn environment.

ARTICLE 5 (TEACHING) When teaching trainees, in order to be an effective teacher, the budo master should always strive to cultivate his/her character, and further his/her own skill and discipline of mind and body. They should not be swayed by winning or losing, or display arrogance about his/her superior skill, but rather should retain the attitudes suitable for a role model.

ARTICLE 6 (PROMOTION) When promoting budo, one should follow traditional values, seek substantial training, contribute to research, and do one's utmost to perfect and preserve this traditional art with an understanding of international points of view.

--- Japanese Budo Association

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