Thursday, December 20, 2012

Instruction on Sanchin

Now I would like to tell you about "heishu" or "heishu kata" and "kaishu" or "kaishu kata" to give some information to those who study karate.

"Heishu" means fundamental kata. Before entering the way of karate, you have to develop your body and mind by doing Sanchin exercise of Goju-ryu.

I will explain in detail. You stand straight firmly with stable stance of feet, and hands positioned properly, breathing harmoniously. Through Sanchin practice, you can feel you transcend life and death, and your mind and body become strong enough like "kongo". This is a still version of Sanchin.

We also have active version of Sanchin which has another name "Peppuren". Usually we call Sanchin for both versions.

Tanden, the back of the head and the buttocks are three focus points on which you have to concentrate your attention during Sanchin exercise.

Brief instructions are the following. Tuck your chin in. Lift the back of your head high. Focus on Tanden to charge with the energy. Your buttocks should be tucked in. These three focus points are not originally separated from each other, but have inseparable relationship. In addition to them, there is another focus point: the middle point between the eyebrows.

I have heard that principles of Zen and other sitting meditations are the same as Sanchin.

--- Chojun Miyagi

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